Youth Ministry

Sunday Morning Youth Discussion Group

On Sundays, youth Grade 7 and up meet downstairs at 10:30 AM in the youth room for worship where we explore the message of Jesus and our faith in engaging ways. Newcomers and visiting youth are welcome to take part.

Youth Group

Youth also get together for a variety of activities, fun and fellowship. Youth from Grades 7 to 12 meet once a month usually on Saturday evenings.

Youth Leaders Team

We strive to have 3-4 youth leaders who consistently lead the Youth Discussion Group and to coordinate youth group activities with the Minister of Congregation and Community Development.


As part of The United Church of Canada, R-W offers baptism. Baptism is a sacrament by which someone is received into the fellowship of the church. Quite often people are baptized as infants or young children, when this is the case, their parents have made a faith commitment on their behalf. Thus when they are older, they make their own commitment as followers of Jesus by being confirmed. Confirmation is a time when they publicly declare their desire to live in Christ and practice their faith within the life and fellowship of the church. Confirmation brings full membership in the local congregation. This means that youth who have been confirmed have the same right and responsibility to vote as any other member of R-W.