Wesley Fund
The purpose of the Wesley Fund is to “promote social development work consistent with the purposes of the United Church of Canada in the Oliver District and beyond.” For more details about the Wesley Fund, please click here.

E.I. Clarke Memorial Fund
The E.I. Clarke Memorial Fund (“EIC Memorial Fund”) was established on Nov 18, 1968 from a donation of $15,000 from Edwin Irwin Clarke. The purpose of the fund is “to promote and assist directly and indirectly in the amelioration of instances of social need as brought to the attention of the Trustees and particularly as brought to their attention by the incumbent minister, within the City of Edmonton.” For more details about the EIC Memorial Fund, please click here.

Helen Mack Outreach Fund
The Helen Mack Outreach Fund (“HEM Outreach Fund”) was established in 2007 with funds bequeathed by Helen Elizabeth Mack to Robertson-Wesley’s Outreach program for its purposes including, but not limited to, monthly community dinners. For more information about the HEM Outreach Fund, click here.

Robertson-Wesley Reserve Fund
On May 21, 2013, the Board of Robertson-Wesley United Church (“Church Board”) approved combining the Emergency, Non-Capital, Deficit Reduction, Internal Endowment, and Capital funds into the Roberson-Wesley Non-Designated Reserve Fund (“the Fund”). The Board may make spending decisions from this Fund based on urgency and need where no other funding possibilities exist at that time. In accordance with the minutes of 2013 May 21, the Fund may only be used if its value exceeds $500,000. Should the value fall below, spending may only occur through Special Resolution of the Church Board, for emergencies or to fund operating deficits

Anniversary Legacy Fund
The fund was established to provide the funding Robertson-Wesley United Church was required to contribute in order to secure Historical Designation funding from the City of Edmonton in 2015. Excess funds raised were deposited in an investment fund from which the income earned is to be used to provide operating revenues for the church. The Church Board has the authority to change the purpose and use of the funds at its discretion.

Other Funds
Robertson-Wesley United Church is also the steward of a number of smaller funds ranging in value from $5,000 to $39,000 each, including the Crawford Fund, Geggie Endowment, Falkenberg, Music Endowment, and Kawalilak Funds. Each of these funds has a designated purpose as determined by the benefactor and is held in medium to long-term investments professionally managed by the Investors Group and RBC Dominion Securities. As such, values are subject to market fluctuations.