Mission and Service

Our unified national fund for the work of the larger church

What is Mission and Service ?
It is the United Church’s way of funding world outreach, mission in Canada projects, theological colleges, the meetings of General Council and the operations of the national offices. It is a unified budget distributed by the General Council according to their priorities. And its revenue comes from voluntary contributions from members of the United Church across Canada.

How do we contribute?

At Robertson-Wesley, we encourage people to allocate a portion of their regular givings to M&S. For example for every $100 contribution one might allocate $85 to the R-W local operating fund and $15 to M&S.

We also supplement the regular givings to M&S in several ways:

  • A special offering for M&S is taken on Communion Sundays (8 times per year). On Communion Sunday, we hear a “Minute for Mission” which explains some of the work supported by M&S.
  • Bake sales and special projects also contribute to M&S.
  • Four times a year we invite people, who are celebrating a special milestone or are remembering someone important, to place a donation in our special M&S bucket in the 3 months designated for that Sunday.
  • The United Church Women make their own contribution to M&S.

Mission and Service Fund

Jan 1 to Nov 30, 2023
Mission and Service - Congregation$27,740

Where can I find more details?

For more detailed information about the Mission and Service Fund, please see About Mission and Service on the United Church’s national web site.