Speak your deepest longing

Psalm 130 • Out of the depths I cry to God.
Ezekiel 37: 1-14 • Valley of dry bones
John 11:1-45 • The raising of Lazarus.

Wisdom takes us beyond thought to deeper knowing. Wisdom grounds us in grace. Both the story of the dry bones and the raising of Lazarus remind us that God not only gives life but restores life, and that death will not be the last word. The dry bones in the passage from Ezekiel represent, according to Kelton Cobb, “the dusty sense of hopelessness that the exiles would ever find their way home.” Sometimes on the faith journey we feel lost, and we long to feel God’s presence again, we long to be home. May we speak the prayers of our deepest longing to God, trusting that God will transform us and the world.


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